Gan Yiladim Preschool

Lunch Menu


At Gan Yiladim, we serve the children healthy, nutritious foods.  All the meals are made onsite in our kosher kitchen. 

Our Menu is guided by a Registered Dietitian. Teaching children to explore different foods and open their pallets to wonderful fruits and vegetables. 

  *Steamed Vegetables includes one or more of the following:

Carrots, sweet potatoes, corn, green peas, green beans, Brussels sprouts  and butternut squash 

*Vegetable Salad includes one or more of the following: cucumber, tomatoes, peppers and avocados.

 Morning and afternoon snack will be served each day.

Snacks include: Seasonal Fresh Fruit and a choice of Crackers, Pretzels, Rice Cakes, and Cereal. 

  **If your child has any allergies to foods, please let us know.